Monday, September 26, 2011

A Year and 9 Months

I know my project 365 lasted 9 months longer than it should have, but I have gotten some amazing photos throughout this time. This year and 9 months has been hard, fun, sad, happy, tiring, exhilarating, and beautiful. I have lost people in my life, gained people, missed people, and reunited with people. I have grown up, forcefully, but gracefully. Adult life can be hard and stressful and I may miss being younger with my friends, but I would never change how it has happened. I have learned that God knew exactly what He was doing even if I thought it was crazy. I will have pain in my heart, but precious friends to ease that pain. God has shown me how amazing He can make my life and what amazing paths he has set for me. I have worked for CVS, quit CVS, applied for school, and gotten rejected from school. Every decision and rejection leading me closer to where God wants me to be. I can only hope I am following His will for my life because I know that His will is what's best. I have learned beautiful scripture to follow when I am lost and I know some pretty awesome people to call when I can't find my way out. Thank you all for being in my life and by my side.

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