Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Another Sowell Wedding!

We made our way down to St. Augustine, FL for Nick and Alannah's wedding. It was such a sweet, beautiful wedding! I am so happy for my "little brother" and his new bride. It was a perfect weekend of seeing long, lost friends and family!

Grandmamma Debbie and little Evie! 

Darryl and Brenda enjoying the ocean 

William and Hudson joining them. So crazy to see all of us grown up!

 Time for the wedding! Here come the groom, groomsmen and the flower girl!

My boys! 

Perfect view!

Grandma and Grandpa with Hudson 

Evie and Renee before the wedding 

Such a cutie pie!

Grandma and Hudson 

My boys, all grown up! 

The beautiful bride!

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