Saturday, June 25, 2011

327/365 Day 4: The only day that counts

Day 4 was a day to remember. First there was another Chalk drawing, which was of the crucifiction and resurection, which was awesome. Then we hit the beach and the Fin seafood for dinner. Finally at evening worship, my prayer was answered. I have been praying for months for God to answer why my dad had to die. For what I have seen, nothing good has come from his death. I have been swallowed by sadness because I felt like I would never understand why. The speaker told us of a kid named B.J. Higgens. He became a Christian at a young age and changed many people's lives. At 15 he went on an international mission trip, contracted a disease and passed away. His parents wrote a book using his journal entries which has changed the world. Then suddenly, as if God was sitting next to me, I got it. I suddenly saw many people and situations that had to happen after dad died. One of the youth, Will, that got saved during SuperWow, said he was grateful for Josh and Laura for helping him through the first steps of Christianity. I realized dad planted that seed, but had to die so that Josh and Laura could lead Will to Christ. More than one of these situations have happened since dad died. I felt a huge weight lifted from me. I can now move past my sadness. I still miss my dad, but the sadness is not stuck in my present. God has finally told me "It will be okay" and I am ready to believe Him.

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